Mischa's Story

Friday, March 09, 2007

Oh brother,"Spencer"!!!

Hi everybody, it has been a long time since i updated the blog! My parents had a hand full of things to take care of! But now here's my story after my little "nip tuck" surgery (you know the girl has to take care of her body) After surgery, I didn't have energy to do anything . . . but after a few days my inside cat agility surfaced and now i'm feeling much better -- well, kind of, because while i was sick (resting) my parents decided to get me a BROTHER (did they ask?...nope)
so i went along with this (no choice).
A few weeks later we went to NJ visit the grands -- but it was more than that, we had to go the next day to pick up a package from the airport. I was excited about the road trip but little me didn't know that I would be sooo suprised . . . Turns out, my little brother shows up in his crate at Newark International - tired, scared and big time whiner. I was furious with my dad on the way home from the airport because he was holding this little creature that wiggles like me (huh! how rude! can you imagine?) We finally get home to grammy and gramp's house, and he was the center of the attention... Life was better when I was the one who got all of the attention, but now I have to compete with him.
It was tough in the beginning. The more he is around, though, the more I have started tolerating his behavior. My parents took us to the beach for a long weekend -- it was fantastic (woohoo! first time at the beach). We had a lot of fun (played, ran and ran again). This is my little story for now -- I have to go fight Spencer for the rubber chicken - he won last time - can't let that happen again!
I'll try to keep the blog up to date - love you all
from us (Mischa & Spencer)


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